Road Safety Workshop and Rally by YRC Society of BIT on 21.02.2023 (RP)



 Maximum reward points of 200 to participants based on the assessment for this event.

On-duty will be provided for all the participants

Registration Link

            With this short quote in mind, the Youth Red Cross Society of BIT is organizing a Road Safety Workshop and Rally around our college campus on 21.02.2023 from 8:45 am to 12:30 pm. We invite everyone to participate in this event and help create a safer road environment. 

            The aim of this event is to raise awareness about road safety and to educate our fellow students about the importance of following traffic rules and regulations. The workshop will be conducted by experienced professionals who will share their expertise on road safety and provide tips on how to avoid accidents.

            The rally will be an opportunity to demonstrate our commitment to road safety. We believe that this event is crucial in promoting a culture of safety and responsibility among our peers, and join us in making our roads safer for everyone.

"Drive Safe, Arrive Safe."



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