Electronic Hack'23 on (19.04.2023-20.04.2023) [RP]

Electronic Hack'23

        Electronic Hack'23, a hardware hackathon which is scheduled to take place

 on 19th and 20th April 2023. The event will bring together some of the brightest

 and most innovative minds in the field of electronics to showcase their talents in

 the field of hardware category and also work together to develop solutions to

 pressing issues.


Submit your ideas in ppt format in google form link

 on or before 18/03/2023. 

Googleform link


1. A Team should have 6 students (1 girl student is mandatory). 

2. Teams can be inter departmental and have a combination of  different years.  

3. Team leader is required to register for the event and submit the solution once.

4. Your presentation must include 

    Team details, Abstract & Technology - Mandatory

     Methodology, Components, Implementation etc.. - Optional

Problem statements


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